How I Went From 170 Down to 145… And Counting!

10 Second Coffee Tweak :About 4 months ago I hit an all time high of 170. I needed to do something!
After my child-bearing years and getting so busy with life, things got out of hand.
Earlier this week at my doctors office I weighed in at 145!
The receptionists at my doctor’s office looked at me in shock when they saw me walk in!
I get a little choked up thinking about it because…
it reminds me of how it felt to try and fail at every diet in an attempt to lose weight.
I tried cutting out my favorite foods and eating low calorie options.
I was hitting my 10,000 steps every day… but it wasn’t working.
After everything I tried, I was still getting larger…
I thought I would have to stay like this for the rest of my life.
It wasn’t until my doctor’s nutritionist shared a simple 10-second “coffee tweak” with me that rebooted my metabolism, kicking it into overdrive…
It’s as if the dial had been turned from “crawl” mode, to 24/7 “calorie burning” mode.
It’s a simple 2 step approach:
1. Pour a cup of your favorite morning drink. Mine is definitely coffee!
2. Add the little “tweak” every morning. Don’t miss a day!
Stay on it, wait patiently and watch the positive results!
It’s completely life changing!!
If I had been told this time last year that all I had to do was add ONE simple thing to my morning coffee to torch off what I’ve been carrying, I never would have believed it.

The New Me!
In just a short amount of time, I discovered the “new me” after I learned how to activate my fat-burning window to slim down.
If I hadn’t lived it, I may not have believed it, but it’s genuinely transformed my life. I’m back!
I believe this simple, effective method isn’t widely known – because I’d never heard about it.
If you, too, are curious and ready for a change, don’t hesitate!
Find out how this quick, daily morning routine can give a boost to your energy and joy for life!
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